

Purpose: 2011 FIRST Robotics Comptition

Creator: Harrison Boiler Robotics (FRC 1747)

My Role: Mentor through Purdue FIRST Programs

  • Lead students through design, fabrication, programming, and deployment of mecanum drivetrain.
  • Lead strudents through the gripper design and fabrication.
  • Assisted with programming debugging.
  • Derived minibot equations of motion; used these to find the optimal roller size (given the minibot's mass).
  • Took extensive phographic documentation of the final robot, for use in the team's documentation.



  • Four 6" Andymark mecanum wheels.
  • Each (independently controlled) wheel powered by a CIM DC motors through a 8.45:1 Toughbox Nano gearbox.

Controls: National Instruments cRIO-FRC (400 MHz)


  • Solid-state gyroscope
  • AXIS webcam
  • Shaft encoder
  • Potentiometer
  • Limit switches
  • Line sensors

Frame: Kitbot C-base, welded 1" box aluminum (anodized green)


Navigate the field: Nautilus's mecanum drivetrain and relatively lightweight construction enabled it to score as fast as possible.

Remain upright: The frame geometry and low center of mass allow Nautilus to easily remain upright while moving with the arm in any position.

Pick up tubes: The polycarbonate gripper can pick up tubes in fractions of a second, rotate tubes within its grasp, and withstand the worst collisions in competition.

Lift tubes: Once deployed from the starting configuration, the simple arm can raise tubes from the ground to 10 ft high using a single degree of freedom.

Deploy a minibot: Pneumatic actuators quickly deploy the minibot onto the tower (the pole the minibot must race up).

Minibot: A small robot which climbs a 10 ft pole in 1.2 seconds to win bonus points.